Healthcare FAQ

Wellness Center FAQ


at the TCSIG Wellness Center

1174 Live Oak Blvd, Yuba City
(530) 822-5500
Monday-Friday 8:00am to 7:00pm
Saturday 9:00am to 3:00pm


Through the Patient Portal via the healow app, you can:

  • Ask questions of providers, nurses, and staff members
  • Review selected medical records, notes, labs, diagnostic results
  • Request prescription refills, referrals, and appointments via message
  • Access virtual office visits

…All from the comfort of your home, whenever it is convenient for you!
Download the Healow app today to take an active role in managing your health care.

TCSIG Wellness Center FAQ’s

Cost savings to you – Use of the Wellness Center is FREE to TCSIG members and their covered dependents. This means you do not have to pay a copay, deductible, or coinsurance.
Cost savings to everyone – Our Wellness Center is projected to reduce costs of the TCSIG Medical plans, which means lower premium increase over time.
Convenience – The Center is open Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM and Saturday 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Occasional walk-ins for acute care can be accommodated, but if you are not well, please call the office at (530) 822-5500 to schedule your appointment. It will minimize your discomfort and the spread of germs by making an appointment and waiting for your scheduled time.

We will work closely with you in selecting the highest quality specialist available to meet your unique needs.

Yes, however we prefer to have you call (530) 822-5500 to set an appointment.

Any TCSIG member or covered family member may receive care from the Wellness Center.

Center staff will determine your eligibility at the time of your visit. They will need to see your medical identification card and a photo ID for verification purposes.

  • Preventative Care – Health risk assessments and follow-up visits, wellness coaching, vaccinations, routine annual physicals, well-woman exams, birth control, in-house lab screening (anemia, diabetes, thyroid, and cholesterol).
  • Acute Care – Colds, flus, infections, sore throats, cuts, sprains, muscle and joint pain.
  • Disease Management – Diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, asthma, and allergies.
  • Weight Loss
  • Wound Care Management

Chronic pain management or psychiatric services is not provided.

Outside of the in-house labs mentioned above, we refer out to diagnostic centers in the area as needed. Any lab service where blood is drawn in the Wellness Center but sent out to a diagnostic center is provided at no cost to the patient.